European Food Forum

5. European Food Safety Standards and Pesticides: Solutions

This debate will reflect on how different parties can contribute to  the development and implementation of sustainable solutions across the food supply chain.


September 9, 2020 - 15:00


September 9, 2020 - 17:00

European Food Safety Standards and Pesticides: Solutions

Earlier this year, the European Union announced one of its most ambitious programmes – the “Farm to Fork” strategy . Among other targets, EU institutions have highlighted the need to find viable alternatives to pesticides, in the framework of a plan to reduce their use and mitigate their impact. The Commission has made it clear it is time to optimise the use of agricultural inputs and to better investigate sustainable alternatives to pesticides, such as organic farming, low-risk substances and biological remedies. While such alternative control techniques hold a lot of promise, their compatibility with the present farming practices has to be assessed considering public health and environmental concerns but also, taking into account climate change, the increasing spread of pests, trade disruptions and food security.

In June, the European Food Forum held a debate outlining the role that pesticides play in food production and the impact on European food standards, in particular, food safety, reflecting views and concerns of various stakeholders. In this event, the European Food Forum would like to ask consequently: Which solutions can address the main concerns raised by the use of pesticides? This European Food Forum debate, with Members of the European Parliament, the European Commission, food chain stakeholders, NGOs and academia, will reflect on how different parties can contribute to  the development and implementation of sustainable solutions across the food supply chain.


Hosting MEPs:
Mr. Brando Benifei
Mr. Michele Rivasi
Mr. Nicolae Ștefănuță
Ms. Irène Tolleret


The webinar is for EFF Members only.


If your organization is interested to attend the event, please send your request to the EFF secretariat:



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