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European Food Forum


The EuropeanFood Forum (EFF) was founded in november 2019 by 5  Members by of the European Parliament (MEP) from 3 different political groups and 5 different Member States: Róża Thun (Renew Europe – Poland), Clara Aguilera (S&D – Spain), Irene Tolleret (Renew Europe – France), Asim Ademov (EPP Bulgaria) and Brando Benifei (S&D – Italy).


Food is the prime connection between people and the planet, and the policies that regulate the food supply chain in the EU and globally need to be constantly evolved and reviewed to respond to societal needs.

Many of the issues and polarized views around food topics today (e.g. quality, nutrition, sustainability) arise from of a forward-looking platform where policy makers and stakeholders can discuss solutions and ideas.

European agri food sector is worldwide recognized for its excellence in terms of  quality, sustainability, safety, tradition, …


The European Food Forum is an independent, politically-led, non-partisan forum led and governed by our elected Members of the European Parliament that aims to promote open dialogue on sustainable food systems among policymakers, food supply chain actors, civil society organizations, research and academia, and other public institutions.

The European Food Forum does not itself take positions on specific policy issues.

The European Food Forum key objectives are:

  • follow up the development of appropriate public policies at European level, by integrating, anticipating and promoting key agri-food policy topics and emerging trends at European and global level, giving attention also to research related topics;

  • promote the development of a common food policy by drawing on the collective intelligence of the actors in the food system also at local level;

  • support the development of a common food policy designed to listen more carefully and respond more quickly to the concerns and aspirations of Europeans consumers;

  • develop and maintain relations with other public and private institutions interested in these issues – the Association gives priority to problems and actions that fall within the framework of the European Union. ).


Considering the vast variety of actors involved in the agri-food system and the concerns and aspirations of European consumers, farmers and companies, the European Food Forum considers essential a balanced representation of all the stakeholders. With a vision to ensure all actors in the food ecosystem are represented, the European Food Forum EFF Members can include MEPs, farmers, food and beverage companies, food retail and food service companies, European/national federation and sectorial associations, Civil Society Organizations, research and academic institutions, Public Agencies.

It is for this purpose that the Membership and Governance are structured as follows:


  1. Effective Members: Members of the European Parliament (MEPs)
  1. Other Members:
    • Business Members:
      • Large companies
      • SME
      • Food, Agriculture and Retail associations
      • Sector Association
  • Public Institutions and Civil Society Members
    • Civil Society Organizations
    • Universities, Research and Innovation Centers
    • Public Agencies
    • International Institutions.


Steering committee: It is the Strategic and political board of the European Food Forum. It is chaired by a MEP and lead by MEPs. It is Composed by the MEPs (in majority) and the Board of Management Members.

  • minimum 5 (3 MEPs + 1 Business Member + 1 Public Institutions and Civil Society Member) maximum 30 members (16 MEPs + 7 Business Member + 7 Public Institutions and Civil Society Member)
  • 1 Chair and vice-chairs (MEPs);

Board of Management: Business and Public Institutions and Civil Society Members – EFF administrative support

  • Minimum 2 (1 Business Members and 1 Public Institutions and Civil Society Members) maximum 14 members (7 Business Members and 7 Public Institutions and Civil Society Members);
  • Chair, vice-chair.
  • Duration 3 years.

Programming committee: Every Member can participate and propose events that will be submitted for the selection and final “Programme of Events” approval to the Steering Committee.

  • The programming Committee will be coordinated by 3 co-chairs Members of the Steering Committee: 1 Member of the European Parliament, 1 Business Member, 1 Public Institutions and Civil Society Member

General assembly: All members.

EFF Secretariat

The EFF secretariat ensures the close contact with all members and carries out the day-to-day management and logistics of EFF activities.



Irene Tolleret



Asim Ademov



Brando Benifei



Róża Thun

Róża Thun



Petros Kokkalis


Alessandra Moretti


Christine Schneider


Board of Management


Cristina Tinelli

Chair of the Board of Management

Bojin Bojinov

Head Genetics and
breeding research group, Department of Plant physiology, Biochemistry and Genetics

Nenad Peric


Dionne Heijnen

Treasurer of the Board of Management


Eva Falch

Head of NTNU Food Forum

Ass. professor in Food Science


Piet van der Meer

Professor Biotechnology Regulation and coordinator of
the Program on Sustainable Food and Biomass Systems
