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Our History

Food is the prime connection between people and the planet, and the policies that regulate the food supply chain in the EU and globally must continuously evolve to respond to societal needs. Many of the issues and polarized views around food topics today (e.g. quality, nutrition, sustainability) arise from the lack of a forward-looking platform where policy makers and stakeholders can discuss solutions and ideas. The European Food Forum is committed to fostering collaboration, innovation, and responsiveness in the development of sustainable food policies that address both local, European and global challenges. 


The European Food Forum does not itself take positions on specific policy issues.


Recognizing the compelling need for a designated space where policymakers and stakeholders in the food supply chain can engage in transparent dialogue, the European Food Forum (EFF) was established on 5 November 2019 by five Members of the European Parliament (MEPs): Irène Tolleret (France), Asim Ademov (Bulgaria), Clara Aguilera (Spain), Brando Benifei (Italy), and Róża Thun Und Hohenstein (Poland). EFF was officially launched on 10 December 2019.


EFF is an independent, politically-led, non-partisan, multi-stakeholder forum, led and governed by elected Members of the European Parliament. Our aim is to foster collaboration, innovation, and responsiveness in the development of sustainable food policies that address local, European, and global challenges. 

Our Mission


Follow up on the development of appropriate public policies at European level by integrating, anticipating and promoting key agri-food policy issues and emerging trends at European and global level, including research-related issues;


Support the development of a common food policy that listens better and responds more quickly to the concerns and aspirations of European consumers;


Support the development of a common food policy by drawing on the collective intelligence of food system actors, including at local level;


Develop and maintain relations with other public and private institutions interested in these issues.  The Association gives priority to problems and actions that fall within the framework of the European Union.

Founding MEPs


Irène Tolleret

Honorary Member

2nd EFF Chair (2022-2024)



Asim Ademov

Honorary Member



Clara Aguilera

Honorary Member



Brando Benifei





Róża Thun

Honorary Member,

1st EFF Chair (2019-2022)


“First of all, I would like to congratulate the promoters of this initiative. I’m very pleased to become a cofounder of the new Food Forum. It will certainly represent a very useful platform for fruitful exchanges with all food chain operators on the most important challenges for the years to come. The new policies envisaged by the European Commission, mainly the so called Green Deal, and the future sustainable agricultural and food policy will certainly attract our attention. I hope the new Food Forum would allow us to have enriching discussions with all the sectors concerned at European, national, and local level on the best solutions for their future.”

Iréne Tolleret

Honorary Member

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