Considering the vast variety of actors involved in the agri-food system and the concerns and aspirations of European consumers, farmers and companies, the European Food Forum considers essential a balanced representation of all the stakeholders. With a vision to ensure all actors in the food ecosystem are represented, the European Food Forum EFF Members can include MEPs, farmers, food and beverage companies, food retail and food service companies, European/national federation and sectorial associations, Civil Society Organizations, research and academic institutions, Public Agencies.
It is for this purpose that the Membership is structured as follows:
- Effective Members: Members of the European Parliament (MEPs)
- Other Members:
- Business Members:
- Large companies
- Food, Agriculture and Retail associations
- Sector Association
- Public Institutions and Civil Society Members
- Civil Society Organizations
- Universities, Research and Innovation Centers
- Public Agencies
- International Institutions.
Membership fees
Effective Members: Members of the European Parliament: No fees
Other Members annual fee:
Business Members:
- Standard fee: Euros 11.000
- Small & medium sized* enterprises: Euros 2.200 (*as per EU recommendation 2003/361, companies with less than 250 employees on their payroll, an annual turnover not exceeding 50 million euros and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding 43 million euros, and no more than one third of their capital owned directly or indirectly by a larger company.)
- Food, Agriculture and Retail associations:
- standard fees Euro 5.500
- associations with an annual budget below Euro 300.000: Euro 2.750
- Sector Association:
- standard fees Euro 5.500
- associations with an annual budget below Euro 300.000: Euro 2.750
Public Institutions and Civil Society Members
- Universities, NGO’s Research and Innovation centers and Agencies representing non- commercial interests or having no corporate members: Euro 550
NB: law firms, consultancy companies and other professional services firms are not eligible for membership.