The Governance of EFF
The European Food Forum (EFF) is governed by several key bodies: the Steering Committee (SC), the Board of Management, the Programming Committee (PC), and the General Assembly (GA).
Each of these bodies has distinct roles and responsibilities in shaping the forum's strategic direction and daily operations.
The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is the strategic and political engine of the EFF. It sets the overall strategy, approves the programme of activities, decides on new members and makes recommendations to the Board.
The Steering Committee is composed of a majority of Members of the European Parliament and the members of the Board, with equal representation of the business members and the public institutions and civil society members.
Minimum: 5 members (3 MEPs, 1 Business Member, 1 Public Institutions and Civil Society Member)
Maximum: 30 members (16 MEPs, 7 Business Members, 7 Public Institutions and Civil Society Members)
Chaired by an MEP, with vice-chairs also being MEPs.
Board of Management
The Board of Management is responsible for all administrative matters, including financial and human resources. It comprises members from our Business and Public Institutions & Civil Society members, with equal representation. The members of the Board of Management are also members of the Steering Committee.
Minimum: 2 members (1 Business Member, 1 Public Institutions and Civil Society Member)
Maximum: 14 members (7 Business Members, 7 Public Institutions and Civil Society Members)
Chaired by a member elected from within the Board, with a vice-chair.

Chair of the Board of Management
Secretary General at
General Assembly
In accordance with the EFF statute, the General Assembly (GA) meeting is held once annually. This meeting provides an opportunity for all members to convene, review past and future activities, approve the budget and financial accounts, and address any additional business.
Programming Committee
On an annual basis, EFF members put forth and deliberate on prospective events and activities for the forthcoming 12-month period. The finalised agenda is then subject to review and approval by the Steering Committee.​​
Organizing Committee (OC)
The Organising Committees (OCs) are ad-hoc taskforces composed of members who volunteer to assist in shaping the agenda of each EFF event. All EFF members are eligible to join the OCs. Each OC is led by at least one leading MEP, who hosts the event and makes the final decisions on the title, focus, speakers, agenda, and final date.
To create the OC, the EFF Secretariat invites EFF members by email to register at the specific OC event group online form. Upon the establishment of the OC, the leading MEP convenes a preliminary conference call with all OC members to deliberate upon the focus, format, agenda, and speakers for the event. The final title of the event is collectively determined, accompanied by a concise event description, which is typically assigned to one of the OC members.
OC members are expected to work together to pool knowledge and expertise and to contribute speaker proposals in order to create the most complete, balanced and informative programme possible within the time available. The Secretariat oversees the work of the OC, provides all necessary information and support, and is responsible for all organisational aspects of the event.
After the event, the OC dissolves.
EFF Secretariat
The EFF Secretariat ensures daily management and logistical support, maintaining close contact with all members and facilitating the smooth operation of EFF activities.

Luisella Ciani
Director General

Rézi Rácz
Events & Communications Manager