European Food Forum
Code of Conduct

The Code has been drafted with the support of an ad hoc committee of experts, in their advisory capacity:
Eva Falch
Associate Professor and Head of NTNU Food Forum | NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Bert Fraussen
Associate Professor | Faculty of Governance & Global Affairs | Institute of Public Administration | Leiden University
Arco Timmermans
Associate Professor | Faculty of Governance & Global Affairs | Institute of Public Administration | Leiden University
Piet van der Meer
Coordinator of the Program on Sustainable Food and Biomass Systems | Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium

The European Food Forum (EFF) is an independent, non-partisan platform led by Members of the European Parliament. Its primary objective is to foster open dialogue on sustainable food systems, by bringing together policymakers, representatives from the food supply chain, civil society organizations, research and academia, Think Thanks, Foundations and other public institutions and Private entities. The EFF focuses on EU Agri-food policies and their impact on the global market, sustainable food production, on environmental and social sustainability, and on human health. The EFF recognizes the importance of collaborating globally to address challenges in food security, sustainability, and public health. Working with International Organizations and Third Countries is vital for exchanging knowledge and views, implementing best practices, supporting research and innovation, and mobilizing resources to achieve common goals.
Objective and Scope
The Code of Conduct has been devised with the objective of ensuring that the EFF fulfils its mission of being "independent and non-partisan" in an effective and transparent manner. This Code of Conduct applies to all EFF members, to the EFF Secretariat and to international organisations and third-country participants that collaborate with the EFF.
General Principles
Interactions within the EFF shall be conducted with honesty, respect, transparency, and integrity.
Any conflicts of interest and avoid activities that compromise the forum's integrity or impartiality must be disclosed.
Membership fees support EFF activities and events.
The Membership fees are decided by the EFF board of management and may differ across different stakeholder groups. The fees do not provide any advantage or decision-making prerogatives to any single EFF member.
Members of the European Parliament, holding ultimate decision-making power, are exempt from paying fees.
The EFF can seek other forms of funding (public or donations). These will be approved by the EFF steering Committee assuring consistency with the EFF Objectives and with this code of conduct.
Diverse perspectives and backgrounds shall be respected, to foster inclusivity and open dialogue.
All individuals and organizations shall be treated with dignity and professionalism, irrespective of differences in opinion or affiliation.
Members shall take responsibility for their actions and decisions within EFF, acknowledging their impact on the Forum's reputation and credibility.
Members shall collaborate among themselves and with other stakeholders to achieve EFF objectives.
Members are expected to promote cooperation, engagement, and synergy, leveraging collective expertise and resources to address challenges in sustainable food systems.
The EFF fosters collaboration among its members in researching and innovating within the topics addressed by Horizon Europe. This aims to encourage discussions on forward-thinking solutions for the future of the agri-food sector.
Transparency about the members of the EFF is fundamental. An overview of all members is published on the EFF website. This includes information about the member fees (correlated to the fees categories), ensuring transparency in financial contributions to the EFF.
Each EFF Member must be registered in the EU Transparency register and adhere to this code of conduct.
Any breach of this code must be reported to the EFF Chair of the Steering Committee, the Chair of the Board of Management, and the EFF Director General.
Ensuring a balanced or minimum level of diversity in the party/group affiliations of the MEPs with ultimate decision-making power is crucial for maintaining the EFF's non-partisan stance, upholding the inclusivity of the EFF, and respecting the organization's objectives.
General Rules
EFF does not take positions on specific policy issues.
Events and activities are proposed by EFF members and decided upon annually in the programming committee meeting, with the annual list approved by the Steering Committee.
Adhering to this process is key to attaining transparency, inclusivity and impartiality in setting the events/activities’ agenda.
Organizing Committees
The Organising Committees (OCs) are ad-hoc taskforces composed of members who volunteer to assist in shaping the agenda of each EFF event. All EFF members are eligible to join the OCs. Each OC is led by at least one leading MEP, who hosts the event and makes the final decisions on the title, focus, speakers, agenda, and final date.
To create the OC, the EFF Secretariat invites EFF members by email to register at the specific OC event group online form. Upon the establishment of the OC, the leading MEP convenes a preliminary conference call with all OC members to deliberate upon the focus, format, agenda, and speakers for the event. The final title of the event is collectively determined, accompanied by a concise event description, which is typically assigned to one of the OC members.
OC members are expected to work together to pool knowledge and expertise and to contribute speaker proposals in order to create the most complete, balanced and informative programme possible within the time available.
The Secretariat oversees the work of the OC, provides all necessary information and support, and is responsible for all organisational aspects of the event.
After the event, the OC dissolves.
Specific Rules for EFF Steering Committee, Board of Management Members and Secretariat
Members shall maintain impartiality in decision-making, abstain from any form of favouritism or bias towards any stakeholder group in respect of the objectives set out in the statutes of the EFF.
Members and the Secretariat shall respect the confidentiality of information shared within EFF meetings.
Any confidential information must not be disclosed without the express permission of the EFF Chair.
Collaboration with International Organizations and Third Countries
The European Food Forum recognizes the importance of international cooperation in addressing global challenges related to food security, sustainability, and public health. Collaboration with International Organizations and third countries is essential for sharing knowledge, best practices, and resources to achieve common goals. Members of the EFF shall Is engaged with International Organizations and third-country stakeholders in a spirit of mutual respect, solidarity, and cooperation. They will seek opportunities for joint initiatives, capacity-building efforts, and policy dialogue to promote sustainable food systems on a global scale, while respecting the sovereignty and diversity of nations.
Collaborations with International Organizations and third countries should adhere to the principles of independence, non-partisanship, and transparency outlined in this Code of Conduct.
Each international organization and third country that wishes to collaborate with the EFF should send an official request to the EFF steering Committee for the approval.
The affiliated group of International Organizations and third countries is listed on the EFF website.
Collaboration with international organisations and third countries does not require membership fees. However, international organisations and third countries may (but not required to) contribute in-kind to the organisation of events and activities. This excludes any benefit to EFF Members of the European Parliament and the EFF other members.
Application of the Code
The Chair of the steering Committee, assisted by the Chair of the Board of Management, The Director General and the members of the Steering Committee, shall ensure the proper application of this Code of Conduct.
The Steering Committee shall review the Code and its application every 3 years, and – where necessary – submit proposals for review.
Implications for Breach of the Code
In cases where the Code of Conduct might be breached:
Any reported breach shall be investigated promptly and thoroughly by the EFF Steering Committee.
If a breach is confirmed, appropriate actions will be taken based on the severity of the breach. These actions may include warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent removal from the EFF.
All members have the right to a fair hearing and the opportunity to appeal decisions related to the breach of the Code.
Transparency about the outcome of the breach investigations will be maintained, but personal data and sensitive information will be kept confidential.